
Non-UVA Students: Applying for a Ph.D. or Master’s Degree?

Please understand that I do not accept Master’s or Ph.D. applications directly. Thankfully, many students contact me with their CVs and transcripts, seeking an open position in my group. But the chance is unless you have already been admitted to UVA (see below if that’s the case), you won’t be hearing from me most likely. I simply receive too many application emails and, although I’m truly grateful for their interest, I cannot respond to each and every one of them.

Instead, you should apply through the UVA official admission website. The University of Virginia has an excellent process to select the best students (like you!) from around the world. Once you are officially admitted, we can talk about research positions, scholarships, etc. When you apply, please feel free to mention my name in your personal statement, with a clear explanation of why and how I can be of help to your research and your future career.

Note that I’m affiliated with both the School of Data Science and the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering. It is up to you to decide which program to apply for—if your background is more towards data science, computer science, statistics, etc. and are interested in pursuing a career as a data scientist, the School of Data Science might be the right home for you, whereas, if you are from engineering, applied physics/mechanics, materials science, applied mathematics background and are looking to become a data-savvy applied scientist, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering would be the better fit.

Postdoc/Visiting Professor/Research Scientist Applications

If you already have a Ph.D. in a relevant discipline (e.g. data science, engineering, computer science, physics, statistics) and are looking for a senior research role, please email me your (1) up-to-date CV, (2) brief (less than 2 pages) statement of research, and (3) 1~2 samples of your writing (e.g. journal articles). My team members and I will then review your materials and get back to you if we decide to move forward.

UVA Students: Undergraduate Internships, Graduate TA/RA Positions, and Other Opportunities

UVA undergraduate and graduate students are always welcome to contact me via email (baek at virginia dot edu). My group is always looking for talented UVA students who can help us with various research projects. When you contact me, it would be helpful to send your CV/resume and a short description of what you are looking for.

Visual Intelligence Laboratory

189A Elson Building
400 Brandon Ave.
Charlottesville, VA 22903, United States
Tel: +1 (434) 924-5239 Email: baek at virginia dot edu